Monday 12 May 2014

The Road to Cutlery Hand-In

From the time I last wrote I have created my model, it’s been handed in along with a scanning of my sketchbook and a mood map of my own ideas, so I’m going to go on about it now. Watching Justin’s tutorial I watched how he extruded the shape of his spoon, he made it wider and got it looking right but there was one problem, there was no spoon (Matrix line) in my design just a knife and fork pair because they’re 2 nunchucks. My first attempt was at night, I got my image from the sketchbook scanned and shaped on photoshop. With the plane tool I exported the image onto it using material editor and that was easy enough. When I got started with the bevel and extrude tool it was simple, one long rod with a rounded bottom that could be beveled, when it came round to widening it I don’t know what happened, none of the tools and techniques worked as they should have. Then I got furious and frustrated, after that fear and panic because I was questioning is 3D for me, do I have the passion for it to be honest I still question that.
The next morning after resting and calming down, I tried again. Shaping it was simple enough but following the guide carefully helped. I used 3 connected lines on the side and the 3x3x3 to widen and round the handle like a nunchuck. I felt great to get this far, next up came the gold rings which were made up of a box that was beveled on each end. I joined it to the object and when I turned on turbo smooth I was a little disappointed on the way it looked because it was rough around the edges. 3x3x3 help this a bit by widening it some more to fit into it’s skin. After that it was a matter of cloning it 3 times and positioning 2 to the top of the rod and 2 at the bottom. Next up was the knife itself, it was created simply by extruding the box and tracing around the plane. From the top to the bottom of the left side, I added 3 connected lines so when I stretched it out the 2 side lines will come out of the object not stretching the whole thing and the middle will create the sharp edge. Turbo smooth didn’t look so bad this time so I left it but now I had to step into unknown territory … creating a fork. Following a Youtube guide I created the side profile with the line tool then extruded it side ways. The width had eight lines coming down before turning it into an editable poly. With X-ray I shaped the points around the image plane, then on the side view I brought each row down to get it curved. Deleting the gaps between the tongs meant I had to extrude it this time to give it some width, then finish it off with turbo smooth. My models where done once I cloned the handle again and added the fork head to it. On Google I found a gold design wallpaper, steel wallpaper and Purple colored wooden skin. I brought these into material editor and dragged each skin to their respective parts. Rendering the image was the last thing I had to do and the next day I scanned all the pages from my sketch book. I didn’t know how to make a PDF file so I added them to PowerPoint, saved it and on finder changed the letters at the end to PDF. Finally I took the mood board I made weeks ago and scanned it.
When uploading to WeTransfer, I imported the mood board and model file but when opening the PDF file it said it doesn’t open on my mac so just to be sure I sent the PowerPoint file along with it. My Internet was going through troubles so it kept cutting out constantly, one night while sleeping it finally reached 100%.

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