Monday 12 May 2014

The Long Road to my Final Hand-In: PART 2

For my body I used a box with 5 lines going landscape around the shape, 3 going down the left and right, finally one going through the middle (front view). The 5 will let me move each row to the crucial parts of the body from neck to waist. With X-Ray and the planes, I can stretch and move each row (front and side) to match with the picture to get a rough version of my body. The 3 on either side will be used to create a gap to extrude one of my arms and a stomp and leave enough room for my body to mold with them when turbo smoothed. For the waist I added multiple connected lines to create more dots and switching to bottom view to place each dot around the guide lines so it stays with in it.
For the pecks I selected squares on either side of the chest (front view) to inset and extrude them out slightly, with turbo smooth on and a connected line down the middle of each peck I shaped them to try and get them as natural as I can, I think I did a good job. For the neck I did the exact same as the waist, I extruded it up, switched to top view and placed the dots around the guide lines to keep them within it. This then connected to the head to bring me half way done.
For the chest armor, I used the same technique as the visor, stretched and shaped each piece to fit on the model. The belt was a box shape extruded into multiple segments and on editable poly, I used the dot tool the drag each row down to mold over the shoulder and to the back.
For the arms and stomp, I extruded them out of the gaps and for each extrude I highlighted both rows of dots to fit it around the drawing. After repeating the technique I reached the bottom of the middle row. Same as the body I switched to side view, then shaped the arm before adding one connected line down the arm to drag it and curve the arm. This makes it look natural. The same technique was done to shape the stomp.
The last part was the legs, on my sketch book piece by piece I had it all planned out so I’ll go through them quickly to finish this. The two parts of the waist where made of cylinders to create a smooth plate for his body to rest on. For the crotch, it was a box extruded down and on the sides I selected most of the squares to extrude -4cm to create enough room for his hips to move around as he walks. The hips were cylinders but inseted slightly and extruded -1cm back. The quad was the same as the crotch but it was just a box shape and the only extrusions were the details on the front and back. To be honest I thought the leg would look rather dull but the skins did change that.
For the shins/ankles, it was the same as the quad but a lot wider to keep him balanced as he runs and walks. The last challenge was the feet that were easily done, increasing the amount of dots on the cylinder for each individual toe, I changed to bottom view and placed each point as accurate as I could around the guide lines and when that was done I changed back to front view to change the shape of the upper part. This will fit into the ankles well. Exhausted after finishing it, I Googled realistic images to skin the object and stick to the group choice of a more realistic look for our characters. Troubles came when the skins stretched in weird ways probably due to the turbo smooth stretching some curves.
To my rescue Sylvian offered to help me skin it and send it back. Even though it still had the same stretch problems, it came back with an even better result. Now all I can do is print this out on A3 and wait for Jaime to create a group photo.

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