Monday 12 May 2014

My First Day Back

The next few blogs were recorded 4 weeks into the project, some details could be missing … oh well. After Christmas I thought the new timetable was a bit iffy, new lecture now that we’ve finally got Justin because I thought we’d have him next year. He sat us down at individual tables and gave us a brief on cutlery, yeah I was slightly disappointed but interested on the themes to choose from. On the go would be fun and so would brands/new materials because that could spawn loads of ideas. I would need time to come up with ideas but that could come at a later date, now I’m focused on what the hell we are doing next because things have changed.
After a nice lunch at subway, I met up Kayleigh and we found the computer room Mark used toward Christmas because apparently we’ll be here for the next 12 weeks. We had to sign up to 3DS Max, so we can also use it at home but lots of problems came ahead. 3DS Max does not work well on Macs and I haven’t got a laptop, Justin recommended an Alien Ware one which costs about £1000 when I checked it at home. I was devastated and felt sick that I didn’t want to do anything else for the rest of the night plus classes that end at 5 means I get home at 7 … great.

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