Monday 12 May 2014

Cutlery PowerPoint

The next night I scanned the images I created the night before, then imported them into PowerPoint to then create my presentation for class the next day. It had to look nice and not look like a crappy generic PowerPoint, the likes someone else might be making, as mean as that sounds that was my mindset. When done I noted down some pointers for when I’m reading it during the presentation, then I noticed people won’t get the similarities the drawings where based on without an image of the real thing. After 20 minutes of Googling, I found them all and placed them into the PowerPoint neatly.
Next day, pumped, confident and ready to go I was then told we where doing it the next week, crap. So then the next week I was pumped, confident and ready to go. When my turn came I had my ruler ready to point at the screen like some movie lecturer. Annoyingly the mouse I had on my hand to click (to save going back and forth) then made the slides go back and forth but no matter I picked up where I left of and when I was done I got some good feedback and more ideas from other students.

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