Monday 12 May 2014

Flood full of Ideas

While watching the Jonathan Ross Show in the house all by myself, I had a massive Brainwave of ideas. One spawned another idea after the another, the annoying part was this was two days before we had to do that roulette PowerPoint … great. After thinking how awesome I was in creating 18 ideas in the space of 10 minutes, I turned off the TV to go upstairs only to turn on mines. I set a few pieces of paper on my computer desk, put on my headphones and sketched away for the next 2 hours. I had Google ready to go so I can look at images for inspiration or to base my cutlery on. The likes of my ‘Top Gear range’, I created a series of handles based on the famous cars made that I could remember but I forgot some of the details, all I needed to do was Google it and continue on sketching. My idea ‘The Pod’ was one I thought could be the one. It’s unique and travel related, you flip it open, pull the fork out, close it and it will act like a flip pop … genius.

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