Monday 12 May 2014

Final Preparations

Wow there is lots to cover before creating my character, it’s been weeks so I guess I can start with our second presentation. During Wrestlemania weekend (As discussed by the group) I drew 3 pages of development sketches and created a profile of him. He will be related with Sylvian’s character as a love interest but she hates him and for the rest of the day we discussed our project. We now talk to each to each other now on Skype as a group named ‘Group of Almighty Evils’.
Following a tutorial on Youtube I found out how to make a body with my knowledge of making the head which I’ll discuss sometime soon. Before starting I did 2 drawings front and side of my character fitting into the grid, this will be used for a plane. Then I drew out my plan for extruding and building each body part. I’m sorry I really need to stop, I’m starting to panic and getting impatient because I want my character done and out of the way, there’s so much to do.

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