Monday 12 May 2014

A New Project

The first day of a new project didn’t go as well as I hoped. After missing my alarm I missed the 7am train, the next train I could take was 10.00am meaning I’d get there at 11.30am. Disappointed when I entered the Foyle Arts and everyone was leaving but Kayleigh brought me up to speed with the brief. Turns out we had to create a character in a group, I was aloud on the team with Jaime, Sylvian, Nathan, Andrea and Kayleigh.
Later on we were given a chart with the size of body parts on a lego character. I was annoyed at how poorly done this was, finding the measurements while concentrating on Justin was too much for my brain. I asked Kayleigh to help me understand but me being dumb only made her furious. I managed to create the side profile of the head and with a lathe make it go around. Going home annoyed and questioning myself, I spent the journey home resting. At home character ideas popped up but it was on Tuesday that a Bunny and Rhino idea with augmented parts developed.

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