Monday 12 May 2014


My project is finished, everything is handed in. My head hurts from writing so much for all 3 lectures, now that I’m free I can enjoy the company of my friends at hand in day. Hopefully next year we can meet up and do this again but even though I’m proud of my model and cutlery. The misery, the stress, there’s that sad feeling I get when I do this 3D part. I don’t know why, maybe this is not for me. I really want to work in Texas for RoosterTeeth and I feel doing 3D for my own project show for them or working on their content could gain me a slot. Even though working there is a dream, I really want to be qualified enough to live that dream but is that all that is, a dream? Do I lack the passion for 3D work, I love to design the character but to get my hands dirty. Year 2 will answer that, I’ll truly know then but for now I’ll try and stay positive … plus we get Mark next year woohoo.

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