Wednesday 28 May 2014

Creating My House - TUTORIAL

Today, you will get a special word tutorial on how to make a house ... from Me, you lucky devil. 

1) To begin with, I set my home grid spacing to 0.2m, each square’s width will be that size

2) Before I can fix the joints I have to select the wall that needs joined and convert it to an editable spline, then click ‘attach’ (found when right clicking) to join it to the main structure, vice versa where you join structure to the add-on will not work because it will not respond as well

3) I selected the line that the add-on will join to with the red line poly tool. ‘Snap’ tool will help, so that when you click the point you won’t miss it and create duplicate elsewhere

4) Clicking both joining points will cause the line to be separate and ready to delete. After that I highlight one point and ‘fuse’ the remaining vertices together into one and click ‘weld’ to finish   

5) I can now move a dot that doesn’t need to stay and weld it to the nearest dot 

6) Repeating that, I will get the overall layout of my house. Really similar to the real thing

7) Before I extrude I change the grid to 1.0m

8) Under the modify panel I chose extrude to create the length of the house, make it rise like a cake

9) Going from memory I think you can bring your house up to 2.4m in length. Before I add the top of my doors I need to add 1 segment to the overall shape before choosing the edit poly in the modify panel.

10) Selecting either end of the door with the poly red tool, I can select the box beside the bridge shortcut to join the wall together by the segment added

11) Repeat with the rest

12) In front view, I click the ‘snap’ tool and ‘quick slice’ shortcut button and add two lines across the whole house to get the shape of my windows. With poly tool I select each window

13) With the extrude shortcut on the side, I set the window back -0.2m same as the wall

14) Delete the window to get the gap with no missing edges, simple


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